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Washington, D.C. – House Foreign Affairs Committee Lead Republican Michael McCaul has released the following statement following President Joe Biden signing the HAVANA Act into law yesterday. In his remarks, the president once again refused to identify these attacks on our diplomats as attacks. The HAVANA Act will provide medical care to those who have been injured by these attacks, but includes no language to seek out those who are responsible and hold them accountable.

“While it’s good to care for victims, providing medical assistance will do nothing to stop future attacks or hold the attackers responsible. I’m incredibly disappointed President Biden is still refusing to call them attacks, instead referring to them as ‘anomalous health incidents.’ That dismissive and incomplete language does not send a ‘clear message that we take care of our own.’ Let me be clear – these are not ‘health incidents.’ The nearly 200 victims of these attacks did not just happen to get sick. These are direct attacks on American personnel. The best way to send a message to our adversaries these attacks will not be tolerated and to our diplomats that we will hold their attackers accountable is by passing my bill, the Havana Syndrome Attacks Response Act.”

Rep. McCaul introduced the Havana Syndrome Attacks Response Act on August 3rd of this year. The legislation would identify these assaults on our diplomats as “attacks,” and would impose sanctions against those responsible. It would also require a full briefing for Congress.
